Vermicomposting Benefits (11 Brilliant Advantages Of Vermicompost In Your Garden In 2023!)

Vermicomposting Benefits (11 Brilliant Advantages Of Vermicompost In Your Garden In 2023!)

G’day Green Thumbs, Looking for Vermicomposting benefits? There are SO MANY advantages to vermicompost in your garden. You can utilize green waste, produce organic fertilizer AND add essential nutrients to your fruit and veggie garden super powering your plants.  Vermicompost is rich in essential nutrients like phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. It is a great addition…

There’s Ants In My Worm Farm! (13 Scary But Common Worm Farm Questions Answered)

There’s Ants In My Worm Farm! (13 Scary But Common Worm Farm Questions Answered)

G’day Green Thumbs! “There’s Ants In My Worm Farm!” Gah, don’t worry.So you’ve gone to all the effort of setting up a successful worm farm and then suddenly you’re in the backyard wondering all these common worm farm questions! We will help you get rid of the ants and save your worms. It’s hard to…

Worm Castings Vs Compost (Your Ultimate Guide! Updated 2023)

Worm Castings Vs Compost (Your Ultimate Guide! Updated 2023)

G’day green thumbs, Are you wondering if worm castings are better than compost? In this detailed guide we will look at worm castings Vs compost and why we utilize BOTH in our garden. My husband has been a horticulturalist for over twenty years and I am passionate about educating children in the garden.  We farm…